Asbestos: Environmental Presence, Health Impacts, and Research Needs

Asbestos, a group of naturally occurring fibrous silicates, has been widely utilized in industries due to its remarkable physical and chemical properties. However, its extensive use has led to significant environmental and health concerns. For readers seeking further insights into asbestos management and regulations, Hazmat Course’s asbestos category provides a detailed repository of information. Environmental

More chemical storage in the Netherlands as a result of Brexit

As a result of the approaching Brexit more and more Chemical companies and chemical storage companies are ready to move their operation to the Netherlands. This requires more knowledge of the regulations in Holland. When it comes to the storage of hazardous substances, it appears that they do not differ that much from those in

Chemical storage and dealing with chemical spills

Where hazardous substances are to be stored, managers and employees within companies with chemical storage need to consider the risks created and the means adopted to control such risks. Chemical spills can have major environmental impacts. Chemical warehouses are required to have appropriate emergency response – and first-aid equipment readily available, and all personnel must